Define a class Sample described as below: Instance variables: n: To enter the first number m: To enter the second number sum: To store the sum of prime factors of n pro: To store the product of digits of m Member methods: void input (): To enter the numbers void findsum(): to find the sum of prime factors of n void findpro(): to find the product of digits of m void display (): to print the sum and product Write a main () function to create an object of the class and call the above methods

 Define a class Sample described as below:

Instance variables: 

n: To enter the first number

m: To enter the second number

sum: To store the sum of prime factors of n

pro: To store the product of digits of m

Member methods:

void input (): To enter the numbers

void findsum(): to find the sum of prime factors of n

void findpro(): to find the product of digits of m

void display (): to print the sum and product

Write a main () function to create an object of the class and call the above methods

import java.util.*;

class Sample


 int n,m,sum=0,pro=1;

 void input()


  Scanner ob=new Scanner(;

  System.out.println("Enter the first no"):


  System.out.println("Enter the second no");



  void findsum()


   int i;










void findpro()


   int d;

   int a;









void display()


System.out.println("The sum is"+sum);

System.out.println("The product is"+pro);


void main()


 Sample ob2=new Sample();








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