Define a class Student described as below: Instance variables: name,age,m1,m2,m3,max, avg Member methods: void accept (): Enter the name,age and marks of a student. void compute(): To compute the average and maximum out of three marks void display (): To display all the details. Write a main () function to create an object of class and call the above methods

 Define a class Student described as below:
Instance variables:
Member methods:
void accept (): Enter the name,age and marks of a student.
void compute(): To compute the average and maximum out of three marks
void display (): To display all the details.
Write a main () function to create an object of class and call the above methods.

import java.util.*;

class Student


  String name;

  int age,m1,m2,m3,max;

  double avg;


  void accept()


  Scanner ob=new Scanner (;

  System.out.println("Enter the name of the student");


  System.out.println("Enter the marks for 3 subjects")





  void compute()


   max=Math.max(m1, Math.max(m2,m3));



   void display()


    System.out.println("The name is"+name)

System.out.println("The age is"+age)

System.out.println("The Marks in three subjects are"+m1+""+m2""+m3);

System.out.println("The average marks are:"+avg);

System.out.println("The maximum Marks is:"+max);


void main()


Student ob1= new Student();






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